135-5951 Minoru Blvd. Richmond, BC V6X 4B1
tel: 604-284-0220
fax: 604-284-0221
Real Estate Transfers: Buying and Selling
The transfer of real estate is the most significant financial decision, and it happens thousands of times each year in BC. To perform the transfer of property requires legal assistance.
To establish right to your property or to sell this right, specific documents must be filed and registered in the land title office. The registration means that the property has been transferred to a new owner.
We are pleased to provide you the help to carry out the transfer of your real estate.
Mortgage Refinancing
If you consider a mortgage refinancing to take advantage of lower interest rate, to have cash on your hands or to consolidate your debts, you need to pay off your current mortgage early and enter in a new mortgage contract with any lender.
In most instances, the lender does not lend money directly to the borrower. Instead, the lender transfers mortgage proceeds through a notary’s trust account.
In such cases, we receive your lender's instructions together with other mortgage documents and prepare them for execution and registration in the land title office.
If you are 16 years or older and own property and assets, you can make a will for the distribution of your property and assets to your beneficiaries. Your will has legal effect only after your death. It is important to make a will as without a will, the law will determine who will get your property and other assets after your death.
Powers of Attorney
Power of attorney is a document that authorizes your attorney to make legal and financial decisions for you and deal with your property.
Enduring power of attorney is a power of attorney that continues to have effect when you become mentally incapable.
General power of attorney provides unlimited powers to your attorney to make legal and financial decisions on your behalf. However, the attorney has no authority to make decisions about your personal life, for example, health care and personal care decisions.
Specific power of attorney provides specific powers to your attorney to make a specific decision, for example, selling your house or cashing your cheques.
Representation Agreement
In a representation agreement, you may authorize your representative to make decisions about your personal care, health care, financial and legal matters if you are not able to make them by yourself.
Advance Directive
Advance directive is a written statement of your wishes regarding medical treatment made to ensure those wishes are carried out if you are unable to make your own health care decisions.
A notary public has an authority to administer your oath and take affidavits, declarations and affirmations.
You may need notary public services in many situations. For instance, you need a notary to witness your signature. Some day, you need a notary to make your statutory declaration or an affidavit or a letter of invitation of your foreign visitor. Also, you need a notary to get a certified true copy of your passport, driver’s licence, or other document.
​For the notarization of your document, you must come to our office in person and bring two valid identification documents, at least one of which contains your photograph and signature.
Authorization of children travel
A child travel consent is a letter where you can authorize your child travel abroad alone, with only one parent/guardian, with friends or relatives or with a group.
It is strongly recommend that Canadian children carry a consent letter if they are travelling abroad. For the purposes of this consent letter, a Canadian child is defined as anyone who is under the age of majority. To make a consent letter valid, your signature must be certified.
If you need our help, contact us:
135 - 5951 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6X 4B1 t: 604-284-0220 f: 604-284-0221 email: alena@alenanotary.com